Song Title:

You Are With Me

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Based on Psalm 23, this hymn focuses on the central them that the Lord, God is with us no matter what we are walking through.

The Lord is my shepherd I will not want for anything.
The Lord is my shepherd, he lays me down in pastures, green.
He leads me beside cool waters of peace to quench my thirsty soul;
In paths that are right he leads me with light,
for the sake of his name makes me whole;
He is with me, he is with me

I will not fear in the valley of the dark of death;
For you are here, I take comfort in your rod and staff.
You serve a feast I could never afford, the envy of ravenous foes;
Your oil outpoured annointing me, Lord, the cup of my joy overflows
You are with me, you are with me.

In health and in sickness, each battle I fight,
In my utter weakness you show forth your might,
With me in grief, in birth and through death,
With every heartbeat, and my every breath,
You are with me, you are with me

Savior, Immanuel, holy God, my hope and peace,
Goodness and mercy, through all my days will follow me.
And when I close my eyes in death I'll see death's conquerer!
And Lord, your house will be my home forever and evermore
I'll be with you, I'll be with you.