Frontline Discipleship

Associate Pastor Jonathan Wagner

This Podcast is meant to meet you where you are during the week, seeking to work out your Christian faith in the daily joys and struggles of life. 


About Frontline

This Podcast is meant to meet you where you are during the week, seeking to work out your Christian faith in the daily joys and struggles of life. Because, if our faith is not being formed in these times and places of our lives, then we have a serious deficiency in our discipleship. 

It is in our places of work, our homes, and our times of lesiure - in our rising up, in our going out and our coming in - that our Christian faith has to be thoughtfully and intentionally lived out. 

Jesus Christ left His throne in Heaven, took on flesh and came and dwelt among us. He lived in perfect obedience, suffered, died, rose again and ascended to God's right hand that He might be enthroned as a victorious King, reigning over every corner of His Creation! He is sovereign over all.

So, it is to these "front lines" of our lives that Pastor Jonathan Wagner will speak in this Podcast. The hope is that this Podcast will serve to help you become more like Jesus; to be one of His Disciples. Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." - Matthew 11:29 ESV.